Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chiropractic Appointment

Well, we went to the chiropractor yesterday she said they made some minor adjustments and that Sydney had some "stuck spots" and that she believes that they will be able to make a difference for her. I don't know what to think, I just know that I'm willing to try. So, we will go to see them twice a week. Hopefully, she will show some improvement. I sure wish someone had a magic wand. Friday is the neurology appointment, maybe Dr. Konkel will help her somehow. So, Friday we see the chiropractor in the morning and the neurologist at noon.


dane said...

I hope it helps!! Love you :)

Steve and Ann said...

Dear Amber & Scotty -

Our prayers are with you and
Baby Sydney everyday.

We Love You, Uncle Steve & Ann

Angie Currie said...

Good deal! We are thinking of you guys often.