Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I don't know what to say I am too excited right now, but I had to let everyone know. The man I spoke to from the support group gave me some information about his son that led me to a new medicine. I've been begging the doctors for days to give her Tegratol and they finally ok'd it today and we gave it to her at 5 o'clock this evening and she has not had a seizure since. I had a feeling it would work. They said it wouldn't work right away, but it has. This has been the best night ever. Thank you for all your prayers and support. This is a great day! Love, Amber


Ash said...

WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! I am so happy for you and your little peanut! Happy tears and more prayers from my family and more strength to you and yours......

Angie Currie said...

AWESOME news! I sensed the joy in your voice right away when we spoke this morning. I truly believe in miracles and Gods work with the power of prayer. This made our day! We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers. We love you!

judyconsig said...

Amber & family,

Thank you for the updates. We have been waiting for some news of any kind so to have this goods news is awesome. you are all so brave and we love and pray for you and the baby. So glad to hear that there is rest from the seizures, not only for the baby but for mom 7 dad as well. No matter what happens, that baby lives a life full of love and prayers, and not many of us can boast a life as blessed as that. Please let us know if we can help in any way, and of course, the love and prayers continue.

Judy Consiglio & Ben Melquist

Martta said...

That is great! So happy to hear good news! Will continue to pray that the good news keeps coming! Miss you guys! ;) Love ya 3!